The artistic and cultural journal
of Rovás Art Group


An exposition of Máté Posta and István Zakariás, two members of the MAMÜ Society,opened in the  FigutratiF  Galery of MaJel  Rovás Center in Kosice.

The wall is a universal symbol which has many opposing layers as it separates, keeps distance but it can also be protective. It closes up but at the same time it keeps you safe. It can be empty or filled with content. We can examine it in its context, by itself in its wholeness or in detail in the totality of its elements. The wall is a symbol that has different meaning to everybody. Everybody visualizes a scene with an individual character with their inner eyes. The individual and universal aspects of the wall as a phenomenon and symbol are both reflected in the wall themes of both of them. Although their relationship to the subject is specific, their way of representing is clearly distinguishable from each other but they contact at many points and in this way the two painters create lively dialogue with each other. Both approach the problem from the exterior side of the street, both capture a typical detail. Despite the realistic nature their works are peculiarly abstract. Their wall details speak of our time, even if the walls of the given buildings were built many centuries earlier in Venice, which has an unparalleled architectural heritage, in the case of Máté Posta. We can recognize the building elements of the turn-of-the-century Budapest townhouses, as well as factory buildings plastered beyond recognition or even details of the firewalls of panel blocks built during the socialist era in István Zakariás’ image fields. It applies to both creators that the decaying surface representation refers  to impermanence, indicating that not only men but also time is an important factor in the passing of values.

The exposition can be visited until March 19, in the FiguratiF Galery, in Kosice (Alzbetina str. 42).


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