The artistic and cultural journal
of Rovás Art Group


The exposition of two Polish artists, Barbara Hubert and Kamila Bednarska was opened on June 8, 2023 in the FiguratiF Gallery of MaJel Rovás Centre in Kosice.

The exposition of the two Polish artists, with the title of 'Common', presents us with their latest works. The motivation of this exposition is given by the artistic recognition of thoughts, exchange of ideas of people who are close to each other but the way they perceive and convey the content they are interested in are very different. The aim of the exposition is to present the human relations, which have great effect on creativity and at the same time to promote those artistic activities in the field of contemporary art that express the way of perceiving individual, often intimate differences and similarities.

These works show the differences between the two artists but also the moment when the difference between them finds harmony.

Kamila Bednarska deals with graphics, drawing and painting. She graduated from the art department of the University of Rzeszów and works at the Department of Graphics of the University's Faculty of Arts

Barbara Hubert paints and draws, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, from 2022 doctoral student of the Rzeszow University's doctoral program.

The exposition can be visited until July 4, every weekday between 10 a.m and 6 p.m (FiguratiF Gallery, Kosice, 42 Alzbetina Street).

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